Community Policy
By accessing and using the gowithYamo app and any other site, application, API or embedded content owned or operated by gowithYamo LTD. (the “Service”), you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (“Terms”), taken from our wider terms of service:
gowithYamo is founded on making art more accessible, and we acknowledge that everyone’s art journey is different. We therefore expect members of our community to be courteous and respectful of others’ opinions and to refrain from posting unwelcome, aggressive, suggestive or otherwise inappropriate remarks directed at another member or our team.

You must not use the Service for any malicious means, or to abuse, harass, threaten, intimidate or impersonate any other member.

You must not request or attempt to solicit personal or identifying information from another member or our team. You must not use the Service to promote, engage in or incite hate, violence, discrimination or intolerance, including based on race, age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or other protected attribute. We reserve the right to remove content that has the potential to harm values or communities we consider worthy of protection.

Reviews should be written in your own words, and not plagiarised from any other source; where possible, if quotes or other individuals’ words are used, please name your sources.

You must not make false or misleading contributions or edits to, or otherwise vandalize gowithYamo’s ‘Upload Exhibition’ or ‘Upload Gallery’ function.

We reserve the right to remove any content that we consider to be offensive, objectionable, unlawful, explicit, graphic or otherwise in breach of our terms of service. We reserve the right to remove content that expressly (or implicitly, such as through coded language, symbols, keywords or tags) praises, supports, promotes or represents white-nationalist or neighbouring ideologies.

We reserve the right to remove any content that disseminates misinformation, disinformation or related manipulations, including viral sloganeering. We reserve the right to consider a member’s off-platform behaviour as part of our moderating process.

If you do not abide by our Terms, we may terminate or suspend your account.

This policy is subject to change to reflect new trends, evidence and shifting cultural values. Our moderating team of humans strives to understand evolving behaviour, terms, stereotypes, context and forms of expression (including language related to empowerment and counter-speech in marginalised communities).
This policy was last updated in May 2024 and is effective immediately.